Bengaluru (Aryavarth): A Bengaluru court has dismissed a defamation complaint filed against Siddaramaiah, the former Chief Minister of Karnataka. The complaint was filed by Shankar Shet and Mallayya Shivalingayya Hiremat, who alleged that Siddaramaiah had made derogatory statements against the Lingayath community during the 2023 General Assembly Campaigning in Varuna Constituency.
In their complaint, the complainants, who identify as Lingayaths and work towards preserving Lingayath culture, claimed that Siddaramaiah's statements tarnished the reputation of the entire Lingayath community. They further alleged that the accused had damaged their own reputations as Lingayaths by making defamatory remarks.
After hearing the arguments and examining the documents presented by the complainants, the court concluded that the alleged offense of defamation was not made out. The court noted that Siddaramaiah's statement, in response to a reporter's question about the selection of a Lingayath candidate as Chief Minister, targeted only Lingayath Chief Ministers and not the entire Lingayath community.
The court stated that the complainants had not suffered any legal injury as a result of the statement and that taking cognizance of the offense would be an abuse of legal process. The court further emphasized that the statement made by Siddaramaiah, as a member of the opposition party, was a typical political response and did not amount to defamation.
Consequently, the court dismissed the complaint filed under Section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which alleged an offense under Section 499 of the Indian Penal Code, punishable under Section 500.
This decision by the court brings an end to the defamation complaint against Siddaramaiah, highlighting the importance of carefully considering the context and impact of statements before concluding whether they constitute defamation.
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