Bengaluru (Aryavarth): The Centre has introduced revised guidelines for Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Forest Service (IFoS) officers proceeding on study leave, stating that it is mandatory for them to adhere to the service rules. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary and consequential actions.
The decision was prompted by instances where certain All India Service officers were found to not fully conform to the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 while on study leave.
Under the new guidelines, officers will be required to provide an undertaking as part of a revised bond, pledging to abide by the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and the guidelines on conduct during study leave. Violation of these rules would render them liable for disciplinary action, as stated in a personnel ministry order.
The revised bond, to be executed prior to commencing study leave, states, "I am fully aware that in case I am found in violation of the conduct rules or the guidelines on conduct during study leave as prescribed, I shall be liable for disciplinary action to be initiated against me." It further highlights the possibility of consequential actions, such as the violation being taken into account during the process of empanelment in the central government, recall from study leave, and potential debarment from future study leave and optional training programs.
The guidelines emphasize that officers are expected to demonstrate maturity and sensitivity befitting their senior government position. They are required to exercise discretion in their interactions with foreign nationals, missions, and on social media. Additionally, officers must adhere to the approved duration of their leave and not overstay.
The personnel ministry has instructed state governments to ensure that members of service fulfill all necessary conditions for the grant of study leave before forwarding proposals to the central government. State governments are also advised to assess the suitability of officers and provide them with proper briefing before they embark on their study leave.
The revision of the guidelines aims to uphold the integrity and professionalism of All India Service officers during their study leave. It serves as a reminder of their responsibilities as senior government officials and the expectation of conducting themselves in accordance with established rules and regulations.
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