Bengaluru (Agency): A shocking incident unfolded in Bengaluru as a 54-year-old woman named Geethamma was brutally hacked to death and her body dismembered and discarded in the vicinity of Bannerghatta police station. The police have arrested one suspect from Bihar in connection with the heinous crime, while the search for other accomplices is ongoing.
Geethamma, a resident of Janata Colony near Bannerghatta, owned four houses in the area. She resided in one of them and had rented out the remaining three to individuals, including Pankaj and Inder Kumar, who had been residing there for the past seven years.
According to the police, Pankaj had been pressuring Geethamma to transfer her property to him and sign the necessary documents. When Geethamma adamantly refused, Pankaj allegedly conspired with his associates from Bihar and resorted to extreme measures. He strangled Geethamma to death using a wire.
Subsequently, the group mutilated her body with a saw and scattered the remains at different locations before fleeing Bengaluru. Authorities received information about a headless and limbless body discovered near a bush within the jurisdiction of Bannerghatta police station. Despite exhaustive efforts, the police were unable to locate the missing body parts.
Eventually, the victim was identified, and the police learned that the accused individuals had fled to Bihar. Led by Inspector Umamahesh, a police team traveled to Bihar, where they faced resistance in the form of stone pelting from some locals. Nonetheless, they succeeded in apprehending Inder Kumar.
After being brought back to Bengaluru, Kumar confessed to the crime. He informed the police about the locations where they had discarded the limbs and head of the deceased. Kumar explained that due to the decaying state of the body, they were compelled to dispose of it in a bush.
The investigation into this gruesome murder is currently underway, with the police diligently working to apprehend the remaining suspects involved in the heinous act. The motive behind the crime and the exact roles played by each individual are being probed to bring justice to Geethamma and her grieving family.
This tragic incident serves as a grim reminder of the need for robust measures to ensure the safety and security of citizens. The authorities are determined to leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice and to restore a sense of peace and harmony in the community affected by this horrific crime.
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