Kerala Priest Returns Church License to Pursue Sabarimala Pilgrimage

A Christian priest in Kerala returns his church license after facing criticism for observing a 41-day abstinence ritual in preparation for visiting the Sabarimala shrine, a Hindu temple.

New Delhi (Agency): In a move that has sparked conversation about religious freedom and institutional norms, Rev Manoj K G, a priest under the Anglican Church of India, returned his church license for performing pastoral services. This comes after the church criticized him for observing a 41-day ‘vratham’ (abstinence) as part of his plan to visit the Sabarimala Hindu temple later this month.

“When the church came to know about it, they said such conduct was unacceptable and sought an explanation from me,” Rev Manoj told reporters. “So, instead of offering an explanation, I returned the ID card and license given to me by the church when I took up priesthood.”

Rev Manoj acknowledged that his actions were against the rules of the Anglican Church but stood firm on his personal beliefs. “God has asked to love everyone irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or beliefs. Loving others also includes joining their activities,” he said in a video response on Facebook.

The priest was a software engineer before joining the clergy. He noted that his objective was to give “authenticity to his spiritual teachings.” Despite returning his church license, Manoj stated that he would continue serving as a priest and proceed with his planned visit to the Sabarimala temple on September 20.

“My intention is to understand Hinduism beyond its rituals, just as I did in the case of Christianity,” he elaborated. He also expressed empathy for his church’s position, stating, “I don’t want to cause them any difficulty because of my Sabarimala visit. I can understand their position.”

The incident has ignited debates among community members and religious leaders alike. Some criticize Rev Manoj for violating church doctrine, while others applaud his approach to understanding spirituality beyond the constraints of a single religion.

Church authorities were not available for comment, leaving many to wonder what formal steps, if any, the Anglican Church might take in response to Rev Manoj’s actions.

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