Himachal Pradesh to Launch Solar Projects in 24 ‘Green Panchayats’

Himachal Pradesh announces plans to develop solar power projects in 24 'Green Panchayats' across 12 districts. The move aims to encourage renewable energy and create local jobs.


New Delhi (Agency): The government of Himachal Pradesh revealed on Sunday that it will initiate solar power projects in two Gram Panchayats in each of its 12 districts. These will be known as ‘Green Panchayats’ and will serve as pilot projects for the state’s larger green initiatives.

According to a government statement, the comprehensive plan will involve setting up solar projects with capacities ranging from 500 kilowatts to one megawatt in each of these panchayats. A budget of Rs 50 crore has been allocated for these projects under the Himachal Pradesh Power Sector Development Programme. Himurja, a state government agency, is currently identifying which Gram Panchayats will house these solar projects.

One of the plan’s key features is the 40% subsidy offered to the state’s youth for establishing solar power projects. These projects can range from 500 KW to 2 MW and can be built on either personal land or land taken on lease. The generated power will be bought by the State Electricity Board.

A solar project with a capacity of 500 KW is estimated to cost around Rs 2.10 crore. Once functional, such a project would generate about 2,250 units of electricity per day, leading to an annual income of approximately Rs 25 lakh, according to the statement.

Beyond these solar power projects, the Himachal Pradesh government has set a more ambitious goal: to become a ‘Green Energy State’ by March 31, 2026. The state is also focusing on improving its public transport system through the use of electric vehicles. This strategy aims to reduce the state’s reliance on fossil fuels and cut down on carbon emissions.

This initiative represents a significant step forward in promoting renewable energy and sustainability within the state. By encouraging young people to participate, the government is also aiming to create job opportunities in the renewable energy sector, thereby helping to ensure a greener and more sustainable future for Himachal Pradesh.

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