CM Vijayan Claims Media Freedom Eroded Under BJP Government

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan asserts that media freedom in India has significantly declined under BJP rule, citing a drop in press freedom rankings and targeting of non-compliant media outlets.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(Kerala): Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan voiced concerns over the state of media freedom in India under the current BJP-led government. His comments came in response to the recent restructuring of the BBC’s operations in India, which he attributed to undue pressures from the Income Tax Department as part of broader attempts to suppress critical media voices.

According to Vijayan, the Sangh Parivar, a right-wing Hindu nationalist organization, has been particularly aggressive towards media outlets that fail to support the government’s narrative. “Media freedom has virtually disappeared under BJP rule,” Vijayan stated during a press meeting, adding that the BBC’s difficulties in India illustrate the challenges faced by media under this government.

The Chief Minister highlighted the decline of India’s position in the World Press Freedom Index, noting a significant fall from 150th to 161st place out of 180 countries in 2023 as reported by Reporters Without Borders. This decline mirrors the increased targeting of journalists and media outlets critical of the Sangh Parivar and the government’s policies.

Vijayan also recalled the 2020 revocation of licenses for two news outlets in Kerala, which were penalized for their coverage of the Delhi riots. He described these actions as part of a systemic effort to cultivate a compliant media landscape, silencing dissent and critical reporting through coercion and threats.

These developments come as India prepares for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with Kerala conducting its voting in a single phase on April 26. The results, expected on June 4, will reveal whether the electorate responds to Vijayan’s call to address and potentially reverse the current trajectory of media freedom in the country.

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