Subramanian Swamy Criticizes BJP Leadership, Threatens Legal Action

Subramanian Swamy calls for internal BJP elections, threatening to sue over Nadda's extended term and party's election procedures.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP leader, has openly criticized the current leadership’s approach to managing the party on platform X, highlighting a need for internal democracy and warning of potential legal action.

Swamy, known for his controversial views, particularly on economic and national security policies, has expressed concern over what he perceives as Prime Minister Modi’s intent to consolidate control over the BJP by favoring individuals with either no strong public connection or those imported from other parties with questionable backgrounds. On Twitter, Swamy stressed the urgency of monitored internal party elections to avert a “slide to disaster.”

Furthermore, Swamy has taken issue with the extension of J.P. Nadda’s term as party president, which he contends violates the BJP constitution. Citing Article XXI, he argues that any term-extension should occur through fresh elections. Swamy’s discontent has led him to notify Nadda of his intention to pursue legal action if the party fails to conduct legitimate internal elections for office bearers and committees.

This potential legal battle within the BJP echoes a previous incident where the late Ram Jethmalani brought the party to court for violating party rules, resulting in an apology from then BJP president and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. With Swamy giving a month’s notice for the party to address these issues, the BJP faces internal scrutiny over its adherence to its constitutional procedures and the broader question of democratic governance within the party structure.

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