Congress Manifesto Promises Legal Guarantee for MSP

Farmers: Congress promises legal MSP guarantee, loan waivers, crop insurance, and allied sector support to address agrarian distress.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency (New Delhi): With two-thirds of India’s 140 crore population dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, the Congress party today unveiled a farmer-centric agenda in its election manifesto. The centerpiece is a promise to enact a law guaranteeing Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for all crops, as recommended by the National Commission on Farmers headed by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan.

This move aims to address the deepening agrarian distress in India, where farmers’ real incomes have stagnated or declined over the past decade (NSSO, 2019). Despite the BJP government’s promise to double farmers’ incomes by 2022, the average monthly income of agricultural households remains a meager Rs. 10,218 (SAS, 2021).

To ensure fair and timely payment to farmers, Congress pledges to make the Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) a statutory body and transfer MSP amounts directly to farmers’ bank accounts. It also promises a comprehensive crop insurance scheme, with premiums linked to farm size and claims settled within 30 days.

Recognizing the growing indebtedness among Indian farmers, with outstanding agricultural loans surging to Rs. 18.5 lakh crore in 2022 (RBI), the manifesto proposes an Agriculture Debt Relief Commission to recommend periodic loan waivers and restructuring during natural calamities and market crashes.

To boost farmers’ bargaining power and access to markets, Congress vows to create a network of farmer-run Agri-Markets in all large villages and towns, complementing the existing APMC mandis. It also promises to set up Farmers’ Associations and FPOs in every panchayat, and review all existing free trade agreements to protect farmers’ interests.

In drought-prone regions like Marathwada and Bundelkhand, where over 80% of farmers practice rainfed agriculture (DAC&FW, 2021), the party pledges to launch a massive solar pumpset installation program and promote water-saving micro-irrigation techniques. It also vows to revive the agricultural extension system and set up Krishi Vigyan Kendras in every block.

To diversify farmers’ income sources, the manifesto announces a major push for allied sectors like animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries and horticulture, with the aim of doubling their output value in 5 years. It promises a separate fund for women farmers, who constitute over 40% of the agricultural workforce (FAO, 2022).

On the controversial issue of genetically modified (GM) crops, Congress vows to maintain the current moratorium on commercial release of GM food crops until rigorous biosafety studies are conducted. It also promises to promote indigenous seed varieties and organic farming practices.

As Indian agriculture reels under the impact of climate change, with extreme weather events causing losses of over Rs. 1.5 lakh crore annually (CSE, 2022), the Congress manifesto offers a timely blueprint for building a resilient and remunerative farm economy. However, implementing these promises will require a major overhaul of the current policy framework and significantly higher public investments in agriculture.

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