Vikramaditya Singh Signals Readiness to Contest from Mandi for Congress

Himachal Pradesh Minister Vikramaditya Singh expressed his readiness to run for the Mandi Lok Sabha seat, emphasizing his commitment to ensuring a Congress victory.

Vikramaditya Singh Signals Readiness to Contest from Mandi for Congress

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(Himachal Pradesh): Himachal Pradesh Minister and Congress leader Vikramaditya Singh has announced his willingness to contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from the Mandi constituency if selected by his party. This statement came ahead of the Central Election Committee meeting scheduled for April 13, where candidates for the election will be finalized.

Singh, whose candidacy is under consideration alongside that of Pratibha Singh, who has a long history of serving the local community, stated, “If the party directs, then I am ready to contest elections from Mandi. Whosoever will be the candidate will ensure the victory of Congress from Mandi.” He emphasized the strategic importance of unity and dedication in the campaign to secure a win for the Congress.

In a pointed critique of his potential opponent, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, representing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Singh criticized her for her absence in the constituency during recent disasters. He questioned her contributions to the region, particularly during the “biggest disaster of the century” that struck Himachal Pradesh, suggesting that her engagement was insufficient and opportunistic.

Vikramaditya Singh also highlighted his own efforts in the region over the past year, asserting his close connections and service to the community. “I have been among the people, serving and understanding the pulse of the people. We shall definitely win,” he declared. His campaign will focus on developmental issues and the tangible contributions of the candidates to the Mandi region.

This electoral contest is part of a broader electoral process in Himachal Pradesh, where all four Lok Sabha seats and six assembly seats will see elections on June 1, following the disqualification of six rebel Congress MLAs.

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