Tragic End: 15-Month-Old Bangladeshi Girl Dies in Nagpur Hospital

A Bangladeshi toddler who fell critically ill on a Vistara flight to Delhi succumbs to health complications at a Nagpur hospital after three days of intensive care.

New Delhi (Agency): The medical team at KIMS-Kingsway Hospitals in Nagpur faced a heartbreaking outcome early Thursday morning, as a 15-month-old Bangladeshi girl passed away. The child had been in a life-threatening state since her Delhi-bound Vistara flight made an emergency landing at Nagpur Airport on Sunday night.

The young girl was traveling with her family from Bengaluru to New Delhi when she suffered a cardiac arrest mid-flight. Fellow passengers quickly stepped in, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to try to save her. The flight was rerouted and made an emergency landing at Nagpur Airport.

“A relentless battle for her life was fought over the past three days,” shared Aejaz Shami, Deputy General Manager of Branding and Communications at KIMS-Kingsway Hospitals.

The toddler faced multiple health challenges including kidney and heart failure, despite several attempts to resuscitate her both during the flight and upon her admission to the hospital. “The child was in a critical state, and even though our staff and doctors provided round-the-clock care, we could not save her,” Shami added.

Parents and relatives of the child were given continuous counseling as they faced the distressing situation. They eventually came to terms with the tragic unfolding events as the young girl began to develop multi-organ failure. “The families were updated regularly about her condition, and it was a devastating time for everyone involved,” said Shami.

The hospital is currently working on arrangements to transfer the child’s mortal remains back to Bangladesh.

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