Rising Glaucoma Unawareness: A Vision Crisis

Over 70% of Glaucoma Cases Unnoticed in India, Alarming Experts

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): On World Glaucoma Day, experts shine a light on a concerning statistic in India: out of the estimated 11.2 million individuals aged 40 and above suffering from glaucoma, a staggering 80% remain unaware of their condition. Glaucoma, often dubbed the “sneak thief of sight,” stealthily compromises the optic nerve, positioning itself as a leading cause of irreversible blindness both nationally and globally, affecting over 80 million people.

Dr. Ikeda Lal, a seasoned specialist in cornea, cataract, and refractive surgery from Delhi Eye Centre and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, describes glaucoma as a collection of eye disorders that damage the optic nerve, leading to a gradual loss of vision. This condition usually advances unnoticed due to the absence of early symptoms, underscoring the critical importance of regular eye examinations for early detection.

Symptoms such as blurred vision, trouble with night vision, narrowing of peripheral vision, and halos around lights might emerge as the disease progresses, with some patients experiencing eye pain and headaches. Dr. Lal emphasizes immediate consultation with an eye doctor upon noticing any of these signs.

Dr. Rohit Saxena, Professor at the Dr. R P Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS Delhi, notes that the lack of early symptoms means most glaucoma patients are oblivious to their condition until significant vision loss occurs. He highlights that while glaucoma predominantly affects older adults, it can impact individuals of any age. Vision loss from glaucoma, resulting from optic nerve damage, can severely impact one’s quality of life, leading to decreased independence, restricted mobility, and even depression and anxiety.

Risk factors for glaucoma include age, family history, elevated eye pressure, and certain health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Dr. Lal stresses that although there is no outright cure for glaucoma, early detection and treatment are paramount in halting further vision impairment. Treatment options range from medicated eye drops and oral medications to laser therapy and surgery, depending on the severity. Adhering to treatment protocols can preserve vision quality for life.

Given these revelations, adults over 40, especially those with a glaucoma family history, are urged to undergo comprehensive eye examinations annually. Such preventive measures are vital for detecting this stealthy condition early and safeguarding against the severe consequences of untreated glaucoma, aiming to mitigate the rising tide of undetected cases and prevent a future of unnecessary blindness.

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