Modi ki Guarantee for Ease of Living in Cities

BJP's Urban Vision: Affordable Housing, Seamless Mobility & Sustainable Cities for All BJP manifesto promises to promote affordable housing, develop integrated transport systems, boost piped gas connections, and create sustainable, people-friendly cities for ease of living.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency (Bengaluru): Recognizing the growing importance of cities as engines of economic growth and social transformation, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has unveiled a comprehensive plan to improve the ease of living in urban areas under its “Modi ki Guarantee for Ease of Living in Cities” as part of its election manifesto.

The party pledges to build on the success of its flagship urban development programs like the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), Smart Cities Mission, and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) to create cities that are livable, inclusive, and sustainable.

Affordable housing remains a key focus area for the BJP, with the manifesto promising to strengthen the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA) to make the real estate sector more transparent and consumer-friendly. The party aims to work with state governments to facilitate home ownership for middle-income families through a range of measures, including cost reduction in construction and registration, regulatory reforms, and the promotion of mixed-use housing.

To decongest existing cities and promote balanced regional development, the BJP proposes to encourage the creation of new satellite townships near major metro cities through a combination of policy initiatives and infrastructure investments. The party also aims to expand the coverage of piped natural gas (PNG) connections to all major cities and towns, providing cleaner and more convenient cooking fuel options for urban households.

Recognizing the importance of mobility in urban life, the manifesto promises to create unified metropolitan transport systems that integrate multi-modal transport facilities like metro, bus, and rail services to reduce commute times and enhance convenience for citizens. The party also aims to leverage technology, including artificial intelligence and big data analytics, to improve traffic management and transport efficiency in cities.

The BJP also pledges to develop sustainable and people-friendly cities by creating more green spaces, reviving water bodies, and promoting the use of renewable energy and waste management technologies. The party aims to make cities more resilient to climate change and natural disasters through the adoption of green building standards, rainwater harvesting, and other sustainable practices.

Other key initiatives include the expansion of the PM-eBus Seva scheme to provide affordable and safe public transport options in more cities, the development of water-secure cities through the use of best practices in wastewater treatment and smart metering, the promotion of cooperative urban governance through long-term infrastructure projects, the development of global conference and exhibition hubs, and the strengthening of urban land records systems through digitization.

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