Gandhi Labels Agnipath Scheme a Disrespect to Aspiring Soldiers

Rahul Gandhi condemns the Agnipath military recruitment scheme as detrimental to the aspirations of India's youth and vows its repeal if the INDIA bloc gains power.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi):Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has vocally criticized the Agnipath scheme, a military recruitment strategy introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration in June 2022. Gandhi argues that this scheme, which was ostensibly designed to rejuvenate the armed forces by lowering their age profile, actually disrespects the ambitions of young Indians who dream of long-term military careers.

Speaking on the matter, Gandhi described the Agnipath scheme as an “insult” to the Indian Army and to those young individuals looking to dedicate their lives to the nation’s defense. According to him, the scheme reduces the role of soldiers to short-term positions without guaranteeing long-term security and recognition, akin to placing a temporary patch on a garment that needs a permanent seam.

The scheme allows for the induction of young adults between the ages of 17.5 and 21 into the armed forces for a four-year tenure, after which only 25% are offered the chance to continue for an extended period of fifteen years. This, Gandhi claims, undermines the commitment and sacrifice typically associated with military service, where every soldier, regardless of their tenure, deserves recognition as a martyr if they fall in the line of duty.

He pledged that if the INDIA bloc were to come to power, it would abolish this scheme and reinstate the traditional, permanent recruitment processes that allow for a lifelong commitment to the armed forces—a promise aimed at restoring the dignity and attractiveness of military careers.

Gandhi’s strong words reflect a broader political challenge, juxtaposing Modi’s vision of a leaner, younger military against traditional perspectives favoring established military career paths. As the debate unfolds, it underscores the tensions between modernization efforts in the armed forces and the traditional values held by many about military service and sacrifice.

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