AIIMS-Delhi’s First Dual Kidney Transplant

AIIMS-Delhi successfully performed its first dual kidney transplant on a dialysis patient using organs from a 78-year-old donor, marking a medical milestone.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): For the inaugural time, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi (AIIMS-Delhi) announced the successful execution of a dual kidney transplant on an individual undergoing dialysis. This significant medical advancement was achieved through a collaborative effort between the institute’s department of surgical disciplines, the department of nephrology, and the Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation (ORBO).

The organ donor was a 78-year-old female who was brought to AIIMS’ Trauma Centre on December 19 after a severe head injury resulting from a fall, eventually leading to her being declared brain dead, shared Dr. Asuri Krishna, an additional professor of surgery at AIIMS. Following the family’s consent for organ donation, a unique approach was adopted due to the donor’s advanced age and the condition that a single kidney might not suffice for a dialysis patient. Consequently, it was decided to transplant both kidneys into a single recipient, a 51-year-old woman who was in dire need of a kidney transplant.

Dr. Krishna revealed that the transplant procedure took place on December 22 of the previous year, performed by the surgery unit’s transplant team. This disclosure comes after a period of observation to confirm the patient’s satisfactory post-operative recovery. In this exceptional surgery, both kidneys were strategically placed on the right side of the recipient, one atop the other, to overcome the challenge of accommodating two kidneys within a limited space, a procedure that deviates from the standard practice of single kidney transplantation.

Highlighting the complexity of the operation, Dr. Krishna emphasized that the recipient experienced a smooth recovery and that both kidneys have been functioning effectively post-surgery. This pioneering procedure exemplifies an innovative solution to the pressing issue of organ shortage in India, utilizing organs from an elderly donor that might otherwise have been considered unsuitable for donation.

The patient has been closely monitored since the surgery and was able to leave the hospital within three weeks of the operation. Dr. Krishna expressed the team’s intention to share this breakthrough with the public only after ensuring the recipient’s stable condition, underscoring the surgery’s success and its contribution to the field of organ transplantation in India.

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