“Global Spice Standards Set at Kochi Meet”

The 7th Codex Committee session in Kochi finalizes quality standards for five spices, with 31 countries participating in this significant event.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): The 7th session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH), held in Kochi from January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, marked a pivotal moment in the standardization of spices. After the hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this was the first physical session of the committee, witnessing the participation of 109 delegates from 31 countries.

In a notable achievement, CCSCH7 finalized quality standards for five spices: small cardamom, turmeric, juniper berry, allspice, and star anise. These standards have been forwarded to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) for adoption at the final Step 8, positioning them as full-fledged Codex standards.

A significant development in this session was the successful implementation of a strategy to group spices. The committee finalized the first group standard for ‘spices derived from fruits and berries,’ which covers juniper berry, allspice, and star anise.

The draft standard for vanilla made progress, reaching step 5. It is set to undergo another round of scrutiny by member countries before discussion in the next committee session. Additionally, the committee accepted proposals for developing Codex standards for Dried Coriander Seeds, Large Cardamom, Sweet Marjoram, and Cinnamon, with work on these drafts planned for forthcoming sessions.

This session also marked the first significant participation of numerous Latin American countries, reflecting the growing global interest and involvement in the standardization of spices.

The next meeting of the CCSCH is scheduled to occur after 18 months. In the interim, electronic working groups (EWGs), chaired by various countries, will continue multinational consultations to develop these standards, relying on science-based evidence.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, established by the FAO and WHO, is an international, intergovernmental body that formulates internationally accepted food standards. The CCSCH, hosted by India since its inception in 2013 and organized by Spices Board India, is one of the many committees under CAC working towards the harmonization of food standards globally.

These standards are recognized by the WTO as international reference points for resolving trade disputes related to food safety and consumer protection. While voluntary in nature, member countries of the CAC adopt these standards as benchmarks for aligning their national standards, thus facilitating fair global trade in food and enhancing global consumer health and food safety.

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