Coal Sector Spearheads Green Initiatives

Coal and Lignite PSUs implement extensive plantation programs and Miyawaki technique to boost environmental sustainability.

Coal mining

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): The Ministry of Coal, guiding Coal and Lignite Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), is making notable strides in environmental sustainability. Balancing increased production with ecological responsibility, these PSUs have initiated comprehensive greening measures to mitigate the environmental impact of their operations. Their efforts are directed towards extensive plantation programs involving native species at various sites, including overburden dumps, haul roads, mine peripheries, and residential areas.

These greening initiatives are diverse, incorporating shade-giving trees, species for forestry, medicinal and herbal plants, fruit-bearing trees, timber value trees, and ornamental plants. This variety ensures biodiversity conservation and offers socio-economic benefits to local communities. Species like Jamun, Imli, Mango, Neem, Arjun, Sal, Teak, Gulmohar, and others are selected in collaboration with state forest departments, ensuring the success of these plantation efforts.

In the last five years, Coal/Lignite PSUs have planted over 235 lakh saplings across an area exceeding 10,784 hectares. This effort has significantly enhanced the carbon sink capacity of these areas. To ensure effective reclamation, the PSUs use satellite surveillance for monitoring.

A key innovation in their greening initiatives is the adoption of the Miyawaki method, which allows for the creation of dense forests within a decade, as opposed to the century it usually takes. This Japanese technique, developed by Dr. Akira Miyawaki, involves planting a variety of indigenous trees closely together. This method has already been implemented in places like the Kulda Open Cast Project in Sundergarh, with a wide variety of species like Arjun, Sal, Karanj, Mango, and more.

The Miyawaki method’s adoption in and around coal mines signifies a major advancement in environmental conservation efforts. This technique is notable for its rapid growth and low maintenance requirements, contributing to a heightened carbon sink.

Through these initiatives, Coal/Lignite PSUs are not only addressing the ecological impacts of mining but also contributing to biodiversity restoration, ecosystem service enhancement, carbon sink creation, and local community livelihood support. These efforts mark a significant commitment to sustainable development, paving the way for a greener legacy for future generations.

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