MoD Organizes ‘Chintan Shivir’ to Address Challenges

The Department of Military Affairs (DMA) will tackle critical issues such as integrating and optimizing human resources, training, and operational challenges to enhance synergy and modernization of the Armed Forces in the strategic domain.

New Delhi (Aryavarth): The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is set to hold a two-day brainstorming event called 'Chintan Shivir' on June 19 and 20, 2023, in New Delhi. The purpose of this event is to facilitate discussions on various issues and challenges faced by different departments within the MoD, with the aim of generating innovative ideas for better governance and operational efficiency. The Department of Defence (DoD), Department of Defence Production (DDP), Department of Military Affairs (DMA), and Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) have identified several themes that will be explored during the sessions, featuring input from renowned subject matter experts.

The Department of Defence (DoD) will focus on a range of topics, including the comprehensive approach to national security, cyber security challenges, national information security policies and guidelines, performance audit, the Sainik School education system, and capacity building in defence acquisitions.

The Department of Defence Production (DDP) will engage in discussions revolving around enhancing production and defence exports, the roadmap for achieving self-reliance (Aatmanirbharta) through indigenisation, building a robust industrial ecosystem and skilled workforce, as well as ensuring a level playing field and implementing quality reforms.

The Department of Military Affairs (DMA) will tackle critical issues such as integrating and optimizing human resources, training, and operational challenges to enhance synergy and modernization of the Armed Forces in the strategic domain. Additionally, discussions will center on identifying and eliminating colonial practices and obsolete laws, incorporating India's own ethos and practices into the functioning of the Armed Forces.

The Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) has identified themes focused on leveraging the SPARSH platform for improved pension services and welfare measures for veterans, enhancing resettlement opportunities by improving employability and promoting entrepreneurship among veterans, and improving the health services provided to veterans.

The Chintan Shivir will conclude with an open-house session, inviting ideas and suggestions to enhance organizational efficiency across various departments. This event aligns with the government's directive to conduct real-time audits to evaluate the achievements thus far and outline a practical roadmap to accomplish desired goals within stipulated timelines.

The 'Chintan Shivir' serves as a platform to foster collaboration, explore new approaches, and harness the collective wisdom of experts and officers from different defence departments. By addressing challenges and embracing innovation, the Ministry of Defence aims to ensure effective governance and bolster the operational capabilities of the Indian armed forces.

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