Ministry of Coal Achieves Significant Milestone in Reclamation and Afforestation to Offset Mining Impact

The Ministry of Coal has planted over 217 lakh saplings in five years, an effort to minimize the environmental footprints of coal mining through sustained reclamation and afforestation.

Coal mining

New Delhi (Aryavarth): In a bid to offset the environmental impact of coal mining, Coal/Lignite PSUs (Public Sector Units) under the guidance of India’s Ministry of Coal have embarked on a rigorous mission for afforestation and reclamation. The efforts are part of India’s broader strategy to combat climate change and align with the country’s long-term sustainability goals.

In the last five years, these PSUs have managed to achieve the milestone of planting over 217 lakh native saplings, covering more than 10,000 hectares of land in various coalfields. The plan aims to enhance green cover, conserve biodiversity, and create carbon sinks to absorb and store carbon dioxide, a prominent greenhouse gas responsible for climate change.

Coal mining has been a significant contributor to environmental degradation, particularly due to deforestation and land degradation. Recognizing the need to minimize the footprints of coal mining, the ministry initiated sustained reclamation and afforestation efforts in and around operating mines. These activities were executed as per detailed mine closure plans, emphasizing both progressive and final mine closure activities.

The ongoing efforts have led to the plantation of over 35.17 lakh native saplings in an area of 1907 hectares of land in coal mining regions as of August 23, 2023. This initiative is against the target of 2400 hectares for the fiscal year 2023-24.

This robust move doesn’t only support the local ecosystem but also plays a crucial role in the global fight against climate change. By creating carbon sinks, these plantation efforts regulate atmospheric CO2 levels, mitigating global warming and its adverse effects.

The Ministry of Coal’s efforts align with the National Mission for a Green India (GIM) and support India’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) commitment. The commitment includes the creation of an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover. It also aligns with India’s ambitious long-term goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2070.

Places like Gevra OC in Chhattisgarh and Neyveli Township in NLCIL have witnessed these plantation activities, known as the Miyawaki Plantation. This particular method allows the plantation of a large number of trees in a small area, contributing to rapid afforestation.

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