India’s First Sea Shipment of Sangola Pomegranates to the US

APEDA supports India's inaugural commercial sea shipment of Sangola pomegranates to the US, enhancing export potential and farmer income.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): In a landmark move towards expanding agricultural exports, the Agricultural Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) facilitated India’s first commercial trial shipment of Sangola pomegranates to the United States via sea. The shipment, comprising 4200 boxes (12.6 tons) of pomegranates, was flagged off on February 28, 2024, from the IFC facility at MSAMB, Vashi (Navi Mumbai) by InI Farms under the aegis of APEDA. The initiative was inaugurated by Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, and Shri Abhishek Dev, Chairman of APEDA, marking a significant stride in the agri-export sector.

This pioneering shipment follows the success of a previous air shipment of pomegranates that underwent irradiation treatment and a static trial, carried out last year in partnership with ICAR-NRC Pomegranate Solapur. The success of these trials set the stage for this sea shipment, opening doors to new markets for Indian pomegranates. India, one of the world’s largest pomegranate producers, is poised to become a leading exporter, already having a substantial presence in the EU, Middle East, and Asian markets.

InI Farms, an APEDA registered entity and a leading exporter of fruits and vegetables, executed this shipment. The company has made significant strides in improving the quality and shelf life of pomegranates to meet stringent international standards. By collaborating directly with farmers in Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Rajasthan, InI Farms has developed a robust value chain for pomegranates, ensuring premium quality produce.

The pomegranates for this shipment were sourced from Anarnet registered farmers in Sangola, Maharashtra, earning them a 20% premium over other export markets and a 35% increase compared to the domestic market. This not only underscores the quality of Indian pomegranates, particularly the Bhagwa variety, but also highlights the economic benefits for local farmers.

India’s pomegranate production has seen a significant increase in recent years, with a growth rate of 20-25%. The major producing states include Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh, with Maharashtra contributing to over 50% of the production share. In the fiscal year 2022-23, APEDA facilitated pomegranate exports worth $58.36 million to various countries, demonstrating the fruit’s global demand and the potential for further growth in exports.

This sea shipment initiative by APEDA is expected to bolster trust between Indian exporters and foreign importers regarding the quality assurance of Indian pomegranates, paving the way for increased exports and enhancing the livelihoods of Indian farmers.

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