Coal Sector Boosts Job Growth

Surge in coal production over a decade fuels significant employment and socio-economic development in India.

Coal mining

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(New Delhi): India’s coal industry has emerged as a cornerstone for the nation’s energy requirements and a significant catalyst for job creation over the past ten years. By March 6, 2024, the country’s coal output soared to an impressive 900 million tons (MT), with expectations to surpass 1 billion tons (BT) within the current financial year. This remarkable growth not only underpins vital infrastructure advancements but also plays a pivotal role in generating extensive employment opportunities, especially in regions abundant in coal.

The Government of India’s coal-producing Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), primarily Coal India Limited (CIL) and its subsidiaries, alongside NLC India Limited, have become major employment providers. These entities collectively sustain a workforce of 369,053, including 128,236 on a contractual basis, and support around 310,000 pensioners, showcasing the sector’s profound influence on both livelihoods and social welfare.

In a robust display of commitment to job creation, Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries have conducted significant recruitment drives, welcoming 59,681 new employees from 2014 to February 2024. Similarly, NLC India Limited has added 4,265 individuals to its team during the same timeframe. The current financial year has seen a continued effort in this direction, with Coal India and its subsidiaries employing an additional 5,711 people under the Mission Mode Recruitment initiative, and NLC India Limited hiring 661 more, indicating a sustained focus on fulfilling employment demands.

The increasing activities in coal mining, propelled by a rising demand, are anticipated to keep driving employment growth forward. Beyond direct job creation, the mining sector stimulates a substantial amount of indirect employment, thereby contributing to the socio-economic upliftment of the nation. As the coal industry progresses, it is dedicated to promoting inclusive growth and positively impacting thousands of lives through sustainable job opportunities.

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