Ban on Polygamy


New Delhi (Agency): Polygamy is the practice of having multiple wives simultaneously. It has been a topic of debate and discussion for years. For some, it is a matter of religious freedom. At the same time, we have strong reasons why polygamy should be banned.

Firstly, polygamy is the major reason for gender inequality and discrimination. Since it involves one man having multiple wives, it leads to an unequal power dynamic where women may not have the same rights, opportunities, or agency as their male counterparts. This can result in the subjugation and mistreatment of women within these relationships, as well as the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes about their role and worth.

Secondly, polygamy can lead to social instability and conflict. It can be explained by saying that a small number of men may have multiple wives which may lead to a situation where some men may get left out without partners, potentially leading to feelings of resentment, jealousy, and frustration and eventually some kind of crime may take place because of it. Communities that allow polygamy are often seen struggling to maintain a peaceful coexistence due to these kind of inequalities.

Furthermore, polygamy has the potential to impart negative psychological impacts on individuals involved. Jealousy, rivalry, and a lack of emotional fulfillment are common issues that can arise within polygamous relationships. In such an environment, Children might also suffer from divided attention and complicated family structures, impacting their emotional well-being and upbringing. This can imprint an everlasting impact on such children throughout their lives.

From a legal perspective, polygamy raises complex issues regarding inheritance, property rights, child custody, and marital obligations. Legal systems are often ill-equipped to handle the intricacies of polygamous marriages, leading to confusion, disputes, and legal loopholes that can be exploited to the detriment of individuals involved.

Lastly, public health concerns can also arise within polygamous communities. Limited access to education and healthcare, as well as a lack of awareness about safe sexual practices, can contribute to the spread of diseases. Moreover, the concentration of power and resources within a few families might hinder the development of a well-functioning and equitable society.

The decision of the Assam Government to ban polygamy seems to be the outcome of observational studies about social challenge which is mainly effecting the lives of women .

As an advocate for women’s rights, security, and empowerment, I wholeheartedly support the decision made by HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma’s Assam Government to prohibit polygamy. This step will help tackle issues like gender inequality, social stability, psychological well-being, legal complexities, and public health more effectively. While respecting religious sentiments is crucial, it’s equally important for the state government to prioritize the well-being of all its citizens, working towards fairness, justice, and safety. The ban on polygamy can play a significant role in realizing these objectives and fostering healthier and more harmonious communities.

Author: Nang Lucky Gogoi, Member. Assam State Commission for Women

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