Dr Subramanian Swamy Critiques Modi Government’s Work & Style of Working

Dr. Swamy also highlighted the importance of allowing criticism within a democratic party, stating that the BJP should be open to dissent and not operate in an allegedly feudal manner. He argued that the alleged tendency to make decisions behind closed doors and not discuss issues openly could lead to a situation similar to the Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi between 1975 and 1977.

The Aryavarth Express
Agency (Bengaluru): In a thought-provoking discussion on the Gyan Ganga Words of Wisdom program, hosted by Jagdish V Shetty on the Virat Hindustan Sangam’s Youtube Channel, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a prominent economist and politician, provided a comprehensive analysis of what he alleged to be serious threats facing Indian democracy under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The conversation, which took place on March 31, 2024, covered a wide range of critical issues, including the state of the economy, national security, human rights, and the alleged erosion of democratic principles within the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Dr. Swamy began by expressing his concern over the alleged lack of reliable economic data, claiming that the government has failed to conduct an economic census, employment council, or industrial collapse index in the past nine years. He argued that the data provided by the government is allegedly not based on sample surveys and is likely false, making it difficult to assess the true state of the Indian economy. Dr. Swamy challenged the government’s claims of high growth rates, stating that if given the opportunity, he would debate any government economist and attempt to prove that the numbers are inaccurate.

The discussion then turned to the media’s alleged role in the current climate. Dr. Swamy claimed that newspapers are under the strict control of the government, with a PMO officer allegedly dictating which individuals can be mentioned in the media. He stated that editors and owners of newspapers have confided in him about the alleged micromanagement they face from the government, with threats of advertising cuts if they do not comply. This alleged suppression of information, according to Dr. Swamy, has led to a situation where the Indian people are not receiving the truth about the state of the economy and other critical issues.

A significant concern raised by Dr. Swamy was the alleged Chinese occupation of 4,064 square kilometers of undisputed Indian territory, primarily in Ladakh. Despite claiming to be a China expert and having taught economics at Harvard University, Dr. Swamy alleged that his warnings about the Chinese incursion have been ignored by the government. He pointed out that even when he filed RTI requests seeking information on the extent of Chinese occupation, no answers were allegedly provided. The government’s alleged silence on this matter, according to Dr. Swamy, is a cause for alarm and a potential threat to national security.

Dr. Swamy also touched upon the allegedly deteriorating relationships with neighboring countries, such as Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. He argued that India’s foreign policy under the Modi government has allegedly not been effective in maintaining strong ties with these nations and that the Chinese have been able to make inroads in the region due to the government’s alleged mishandling of these relationships.

The discussion then shifted to the alleged state of unemployment in India, with Dr. Swamy claiming that the maximum unemployment of youth has taken place during Prime Minister Modi’s tenure. He mentioned that young people are now allegedly coming to his house seeking job opportunities, a phenomenon that was previously uncommon. Dr. Swamy emphasized the need for the government to address the alleged unemployment crisis and provide accurate data on the job market.

Dr. Swamy expressed concern over the government’s handling of demonetization, citing a statement by a Supreme Court judge, Justice Nagaratna, who allegedly questioned the lack of transparency in the process. He argued that the government has allegedly not provided an official record of how much money was returned and how much was newly issued during demonetization.

The conversation then turned to the alleged state of democracy within the BJP. Dr. Swamy clarified that while he supports the BJP and its Hindutva agenda, he is critical of the alleged authoritarian tendencies displayed by Prime Minister Modi. He pointed out that dissenting voices within the party are allegedly being silenced and that Modi has allegedly surrounded himself with individuals who lack the necessary experience and qualifications for their positions.

Dr. Swamy also highlighted the importance of allowing criticism within a democratic party, stating that the BJP should be open to dissent and not operate in an allegedly feudal manner. He argued that the alleged tendency to make decisions behind closed doors and not discuss issues openly could lead to a situation similar to the Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi between 1975 and 1977.

The discussion also touched upon the government’s alleged failure to fulfill its election manifesto promises, such as the liberation of temples from state control. Dr. Swamy mentioned that he had to approach the courts to ensure that temples were allegedly freed from government interference and that even after Supreme Court orders, states like Maharashtra allegedly continue to control temples like Pandharpur.

Dr. Swamy expressed his disappointment with the government’s alleged handling of the economy, stating that if the current trends continue, India could face a major economic collapse. He emphasized the need for the government to acknowledge the facts and take necessary action to prevent such a scenario.

When asked about the concerns raised by some viewers who believe that criticizing Prime Minister Modi would lead to the rise of the opposition, particularly Rahul Gandhi, Dr. Swamy dismissed these fears. He stated that the BJP is a strong party with many capable leaders who can allegedly take the reins if Modi were to step down. Dr. Swamy argued that the belief that only Modi can save the party is a sign of alleged mental enslavement and that the BJP can survive and thrive without him.

Regarding the government’s handling of the Arvind Kejriwal case, Dr. Swamy stated that while he does not appreciate foreign entities like the United States and the United Nations allegedly speaking up for Kejriwal, who had previously allegedly tried to have Dr. Swamy arrested on false charges, the Indian government should not give undue importance to these statements. He believes that Kejriwal, as a Chief Minister, is capable of fighting his own alleged battles with the central government.

Another important point raised by Dr. Swamy was the government’s alleged claim of providing free ration to 80 crore people and alleviating poverty while simultaneously spending one lakh crore on the MGNREGA scheme. He questioned the alleged contradiction in these claims and highlighted the alleged inadequacy of the minimum wages provided under MGNREGA, which allegedly amount to a meager 68 rupees per family per day. Dr. Swamy argued that such low wages cannot effectively alleviate poverty or provide a decent standard of living for families.

When asked about his support for the agitation led by Mr. Sonam Wangchuk in Ladakh, who is demanding the safeguarding of Ladakh under the sixth schedule and highlighting the issue of alleged Chinese occupation of Indian territory, Dr. Swamy emphasized the importance of such democratic demonstrations and the need for the government to address the concerns of the people of Ladakh.

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