Bengaluru’s Groundwater Revolution: Quarter-Million Recharge Wells Built

Innovative Recharge Wells To Boost Bengaluru's Water Security

The Aryavarth Express
Agency(Bengaluru): Bengaluru has seen a significant transformation in its approach to water conservation, thanks to the efforts of S Vishwanath, an engineer, planner, and the visionary founder of The Rainwater Club NGO. Over the past decade, Vishwanath has been at the forefront of constructing approximately 250,000 recharge wells throughout the city, championing the cause of rainwater harvesting to mitigate water scarcity.

These recharge wells, part of the ambitious ‘Million Wells for Bengaluru’ campaign initiated by Vishwanath, are designed to collect excess rainwater from residential areas and channel it back into the earth, thereby replenishing the groundwater and ensuring water availability even in dry seasons. This initiative has garnered widespread support from the city’s residents, with many, like Raghuram C G from Vidyaranyapura, testifying to the effectiveness of these wells in significantly reducing their dependence on municipal water supplies.

Raghuram’s experience since the installation of a recharge well in December 2018 illustrates the positive impact of these wells. Despite having access to municipal water, his family primarily relies on well water, which has enabled them to navigate through water scarcity challenges with minimal dependence on the city’s water supply.

The project has also revitalized the traditional well-digging community of Mannu Vaddar, offering them a sustainable means of livelihood through the restoration of old wells and the construction of new ones. The growing demand for recharge wells has led to a notable increase in their construction activities, with contractors like Ramakrishnappa K R reporting a significant uptick in the number of wells built annually.

Beyond individual household wells, Vishwanath advocates for comprehensive policy changes to ensure the long-term sustainability of Bengaluru’s water resources. These include discouraging the excessive drilling of borewells, establishing a dedicated cell for groundwater management, and expanding the city’s wastewater treatment capabilities.

Through these concerted efforts, Bengaluru aims to strike a balance between groundwater extraction and recharge, paving the way for a future where water scarcity is a challenge of the past.

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