IIFL Portfolio company Xtracap Unveils Instant Disbursalfore-invoice, UPI MOoment for SCF; Transforming Indian Fintech Landscape

Xtracap CEO Riaz Mohammed said,”At Xtracap, we are committed to spearheading technological innovations that proactively address future challenges.


Mumbai (Aryavarth): In a groundbreaking move set to revolutionise the Indian Finch industry, a IIFL portfolio company proudly announces the launch of E-Invoice Enabled Instant Disbursements, marking a significant milestone in Supply Chain financial technology innovation.

For the first time in the Indian Finch sector, Xtracap has unveiled a cutting-edge technology that can scan e-invoice data, do real-time validation, and enable lightning-fast disbursements for anchors. The supply chain partners of the on-boarded anchors can benefit from this seamless experience. This pioneering advancement is poised to elevate process efficiency within the Supply-chain Finance Ecosystem, a sector that Xtracap Fintech passionately serves. 

Xtracap CEO Riaz Mohammed said,”At Xtracap, we are committed to spearheading technological innovations that proactively address future challenges. While the adoption of E-Invoicing is still in its infancy across Indian industries, we have already implemented E-Invoice-based financing following a successful test run”.

This latest finch innovation is anticipated to catalyse a transformative shift in the operational dynamics of the supply-chain finance ecosystem in India. 

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